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        北京暑期线下夏令营英语 北京 英语夏令营




        北京暑期线下夏令营英语 北京 英语夏令营

        北京小学都会开设英语课,并且是从一年级就开始上英语课了,只是每个区所用的教材的版本有所区别。 一般来讲海淀区用的版本难度稍微要高一些,老师们讲的内容也比较深,涉及的范围也比较广,所以海淀区的孩子的英语水平都很高



        英语作文science museum。学校带我们参观科技博物馆?

        Today, the school organization we go to visit the science museum. Reached the entrance of the science and technology museum to see a lot of panda on the same position, as if in welcome to our arrival.We first came to the third floor and shouted and grow seedlings, the tree saplings seen on the big screen, we shout voice, the greater the saplings grow faster. Can be fun! Then we went to the second floor, where there are a lot of space, the universe biological room to visit. Heaven and earth, is the most interesting of the children can not only let us play happily, also can let us know about some interesting things about the world.I like the science and technology museum, this can let us know a lot we don't know knowledge.


